Myself and my boyfriend stayed at this hotel for 3 nights. It was a beautiful hotel, no doubts, and staff were generally friendly. HOWEVER, and this is a big however. The noise levels are obscene. We have never stayed in hotels with such thin walls. We could hear every phone call, every step in rooms above us, and even so much as the toilets flushing in the room next door. We were also placed by the lift and therefore had constant noise from this too. In addition, there is awful building works going on across the road (less than 10m away). This was obscenely loud and went on from very early on until fairly late. So, you have constant noise. We raised this and was told the manager would contact us “if there was an issue that existed”, but never said anything. This is poor as there is no way they are unaware of the issues. Other guests also complained about the same thing.
Therefore, despite the lovely amenities, I would absolutely NOT reccomend staying in this hotel because of the noise and the poor way management dealt with it. Had we been booked in for longer, we likely would’ve cancelled this.