This little motel has quite a bit of charm and wasn't expensive relative to other "boutique" options. The front desk and cleaning service were both great. The little taproom was also excellent. In terms of function, the room was between poor and average. The bathroom area is large and wheelchair-friendly. This normally wouldn't have been a problem except the shower area had no shower curtain and the shower nozzle barely put out any water so we were perpetually cold. The room is also naturally quite dim. Even during the day, with the curtains pulled open, the room will not get bright, so if you like to sleep in, this may be the room for you! Lighting in the morning and evening is equally as challenging. There is only one ceiling light in the room and it's a task light over the bar, so if you're making coffee or getting something in/out of the fridge, you'll be fine. It's also the only light controlled by a wall switch. The other lights were lamps controlled at the lamp. The last thing that I felt was lacking was a microwave. With Los Compadres right across the road, it would have been nice to have some way to reheat the green chile queso for Round #2. Finally, I don't know if it's normal, but the room lost power at one point for about 15-20 minutes.