Don't even think about spending your hard earned money on this place. You will surely regret it. We spent 4 nights here. Was shocked by the low standard of the rooms, bad service and shockingly bad breakfast, that you had to pay an extra £5 to get something from the warm table. Avoid this place, at all costs. Our room was not as pictured on their website, much smaller. The rooms were beat up and had not seen love in years. Water damage in the batroom, you could hear toilets and water being flushed through pipes that went down the walls of your room. Doors were not dampened, so you had doors slamming from 5 in the morning to late at night. Workers had been in our room when we were out sightseein to plaster some edges of a wall that was starting to peel off, but the hotel did not warn or tell us at all. So all our belongings was just up for grabs when work was being done there. We wanted a taxi from the hotel to Paddington Station when leaving, the reception called a third party black van that wanted cash only. If I wanted to pay by card, he handed me his phone to talk to an Indian guy on the other side that wanted my credit card info. This whole stay has been one big scam. Don't let the pretty exteriors fool you, you're being catfished. Trust me. See the photos.